John Pursglove
Events Coordinator
I brewed 10 gallons of heffeweizen today. I did a step mashwitha ferulic rest at 110F for about 10 minutes. Then I stepped up to 131 for 10 minutes. At this time I added my water salts and 88% phosphoric acid. Then stepped up to 142 for 40 minutes. Before going up to 158 for 20 minutes. That was followed by a 10minute mash out at 170. I wanted to try an open ferment. I am using 2 7 gallon Fermonsters. I covered with paper towel and secured with a rubber band. I think that as open as I am willing to go in my basement. I used Mangrove Jack Bavarian wheat because I never used it before. The basement is about 70 degrees.Hoping to get a nice nice banana forward heff.