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  1. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    @Steve M and @Justin you should be all set!
  2. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set!
  3. Chris Smith

    Hi Edward! Welcome to the club. I did find your username on our forum, but we have a...

    Hi Edward! Welcome to the club. I did find your username on our forum, but we have a real-names policy here so we know who each other is. Can you update your name to some combination of your first/last/nickname/etc that people would know you by? Thanks!
  4. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set
  5. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set, sorry for the delay!
  6. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    @DJ_Mark You're all set!
  7. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    @Josh Karl - you're all set!
  8. Chris Smith

    New Domain Name

    We have moved the site and our forums to our new domain name ( and you may need to login to the forums again. It is the same username/password you used before, just at a new site. If you have any problems, please let me know! We're still working on chaning the...
  9. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set Sabrina (@Sabrina_Bonner)! Sorry, I didn't get a notification of this post for some reason (or I missed it!!)
  10. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set!
  11. Chris Smith

    membership dues

    Hi Michael, Easiest way to pay is in our online store: Go to the 2021 Membership Dues!
  12. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're updated now! Welcome Back!
  13. Chris Smith

    ** How to Access SJFC Member Forums **

    You're all set, sorry about that!
  14. Chris Smith

    Using a pump to vorlauf

    It's funny, because on my 3 vessel system, I vorlauf with a pump. But on my Mash and Boil which is all I've used in the past year or so, I'm back to the old pitcher method because getting the pump out seems like more work!
  15. Chris Smith

    Yes, I got Rob setup before the last meeting (he was our new member!)

    Yes, I got Rob setup before the last meeting (he was our new member!)
  16. Chris Smith

    Hey guys, I just saw this, too. Sorry, for some reason I'm not getting emails that I'm tagged...

    Hey guys, I just saw this, too. Sorry, for some reason I'm not getting emails that I'm tagged in things. Since I'm the guy responsible for setting that up, I should make sure that it's working. Jim you have access to the brewers only forum now for the rest of 2020 (so if you wanted to join...
  17. Chris Smith

    Who's brewing on Saturday for the virtual Big Brew Day?

    If you aren’t on the zoom meeting yet, why not?
  18. Chris Smith

    Who's brewing on Saturday for the virtual Big Brew Day?

    5 gallons of a ipa-ish thingy with Kviek
  19. Chris Smith

    New song: "Kath"

    Good stuff!
  20. Chris Smith

    How to set up for notifications

    You can “Watch” any of the forum categories by clicking the watch button. That should send you emails on new posts but I haven’t tried it!